To always acknowledge the presence of God as well as the importance of family and the hope for a glorious future.

My name is Michele Martinez. I have been married to my husband, Cesar, for 60 years and have three children. I believe that we are all looking for something other than the every day ritual of life. I believe that we all have a purpose, a dream, and a drive to excel. This is all true, but our main purpose is to find our way back to the very power who brought us here into this world, Jesus Christ. Hence, I designed my t-shirts and hat, with the logo "Jesus Christ is my Life Saver". I wish to take this design and message all over the world. I want to let the world know that there is an answer and it has been here forever. We just have to seek the name of Jesus Christ. I am living proof that he works because I am still here and so are many others, that would not be here if not for him. He is free for the asking. Just seek and you will find.